What's Your Need?

  • Are you an Insurer who needs help with medical case review, evaluation or expert witness services related to an independent medical exam?
  • Are you an Attorney needing help to review medical cases for merit, accuracy or to ensure medical standards of care were met and applied?
  • Are you a Patient who needs help understanding your medical records the medical standards of care, prescriptions or your treatment plan?
  • Are you a Patient or Family member needing help to understand your options or to explain your thoughts and wishes to family or physicians?

How Can We Help You?

Patient Advocacy
& Second Opinions

Depending on your needs and location we can provide in person and/or virtual consultations via secure web meeting.

We provide patient advocacy services and medical second opinions to assist you or your loved ones as you consider options. Being fully informed, allows you to make better decisions regarding treatment and on-going care.


Expert Witness

Medical expert witness testimony may be in the form of written case assessment, evaluation for standards of care and treatment, or testifying witness services.

If we are unable to testify due to time or location restrictions, we can help you find a qualified medical expert witness.

Insurance IME's
& Case Review

We provide Independent Medical Examinations (IME's), medical case reviews,  expert witness reports and more depending upon your specific case requirements.

We provide board-certified specialist case review, reports and opinions for patients, families or attorneys in medical malpractice and personal injury cases.

Our Services

Health & Patient Advocacy

Patient Case Review
Patient Advocacy Services
Family and Medical Team Liaison

Expert Witness

Medical Malpractice | Personal Injury
Workers Compensation
Medical Expert Witness Services

Case Review

Medical Expert Witness Reports
Medical Case Review (for Cause)
Medical Case Analysis (for Merit)

Second Opinion

We provide medical expertise and liaison to facilitate fully informed decisions regarding care and treatment.

Medical Exams

Objective assessment of a patients medical condition to provide impartial evaluation and recommendations.

Case Review

Independent case review evaluates the quality & necessity of treatment based on clinical standards of care.

If you are an Attorney|Paralegal|Insurer with a question or need to discuss the basic outline of a case...
Click the button below to ask your question or submit a case to get started.

States Where Dr. Dalawari IS Licensed

Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | Florida | Georgia | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois | Iowa | Kentucky | Maine | Maryland | Nebraska | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin

Medical Associations & Accreditations